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The Finks's Review

Summary - Great 4.0

Hey, I don’t really like John Cusack either, but since he’s always trying to off himself in this movie, I don’t mind him as much. Better Off Dead is actually one of my favorite 80’s movies. It’s full of 80’s teen movie charm, but in that random, whacky way that demands multiple viewings (not like with Pretty in Pink and The Breakfast Club… I mean, seriously, how much does anyone need to listen to Molly Ringwald whine about her life? The answer is never). Besides zat, zere eez an adorable French exchange student played by ze lovely Diane Franklin, who ultimately saves John Cusack from himself, but we’ll forgive her because she eez soooo charming weez her outrrrrageous accent!

Acting - Good 3.0

Male Stars - Good 3.0

Female Stars - Good 3.0

Female Costars - Good 3.0

Male Costars - Good 3.0

Film - Good 3.0

Direction - Good 3.0

Dialogue - Good 3.0

Music - Good 3.0

Visuals - Good 3.0

Edge - Risqué 2.4

Sex Titillating 2.4

Violence Fierce 2.4

Rudeness Salty 2.4

Reality - Glib 1.5

Circumstantial - Glib 1.5

Biological - Glib 1.5

Physical - Glib 1.5

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