• Trust Weighted
    Really Great
  • 9
    Trust Points

Demona's Review

Summary - Really Great 4.5

awsome! a few inmates that go around killing off each other just to gain their freedom is okay by me!

Acting - Great 4.0

jason did an awsome job, being frankenstein is not easy, especially when you’re hiding it from everyone else. tyrese, MMmmmh don’t get me started on him, excellent!

Male Stars - Great 4.0

Female Stars - Great 4.0

Female Costars - Great 4.0

Male Costars - Great 4.0

Film - Really Great 4.5

excellent graphics, really shows how people can really mess someone up!

Direction - Really Great 4.5

Dialogue - Really Great 4.5

Music - Really Great 4.5

Visuals - Really Great 4.5

Edge - Horrid 3.9

bloody!!! right on! really puts the func in disfunctional!

Sex Lewd 3.9

Violence Savage 3.9

Rudeness Nasty 3.9

Reality - Surreal 2.4

not likely actions from a prison, but its a cool thought!

Circumstantial - Surreal 2.4

Biological - Surreal 2.4

Physical - Surreal 2.4

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