Using the backdrop of Burmese atrocities, Rambo consures up great action and suspense as the kidnapping of aid workers inspires this film’s verion of a classic tough guy to the rescue plot. To that aim, the movie doesn’t dissapoint, and if you are a fan of the genre, you’ll have good fun watching bad guys get slaughtered.
Sylvester has aged and doesn’t look thin enogh to do what he does in this film, but it works for him in that it helps him appear more wise, hurt, and thoughtful than the younger version. Other than that Stallone was, well, Stallone — the tried and true man’s man. Julie Benz is notable as one of the missionaries who tries to get through to him, and I really liked Graham McTavish as the British mercenary Lewis.
Straight forward action film with plenty of slo-mo blood spurts go along with the killing. Striking jungle scenery and shots of terrible atrocities for shock value.
Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
“there is one thing you can learn from this whole film: You don’t f*ck with Rambo!!”