Trippy Lee Marvin revenge flick from 1967. This is either going to be your kind of thing or not. If it is, you’ll definantly enjoy this film. If its not, fair enough, try Payback, the more convential Mel Gibson remake.
Lee Marvin is at his most badass as Walker , and everyone else is believable as people who aren’t quite sure how to react to him.
A very hypnotic film in places, director John Boorman (Deliverence) will just drop Walker’s memories into the film without warning (I think), creating some very weird cuts. Music and visuals help to make it a fascinating, yet slightly challenging, film. The dialouge was ok, although there was no real standout lines.
Edgy for its time, the late 1960s, Point Blank isn’tt he sort of film that needs what we would expect from a modern revenge film.