Kicked out of private school, Charlie works his charm (after a few bumps) at public school — eventually helping everyone discover the wonders of psychiatry… and drugs. This morphs in to a very funny parody of both high school shenanegans as well as the psycho-medical community — all with a refreshingly sarastic humor and a classic approach to to a great ending. Loved it!
Tremendous acting by Anton Yelchin — who reminds me a little of Jim Carrey, but definitely unique with a more subtle and sarcastic approach.
Robert Downy Jr was also very good as a lush single Principal, but with a thoughtfulness only a loving father could exhibit.
This movie manages to educate us more about life in a way that sneaks up on you through a very funny, engaging, and sarcastic story. Casting, direction, and acting come together very well in this film.