A cult classic that I still consider to be somewhat of a hidden gem. This is at least in my top 10 favorite movies of all time. This is one of the most funniest films I have ever seen.
The screenplay is so well done, I love how it plays out frame by frame. This is must see for fans of horror, comedies, and british films.
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost work so well together, they would later follow this film up with the equally well done Hot Fuzz.
Again, the screenplay is great. The camera work is very good as well. The zombies in this movie look funny yet still intimadating.
Lots and lots of dirty language, this is definately not one for the kids. There’s also lots of violence.
Thnx, JP. Yeah, I love this movie. Its easily in my top 5 favorite movies. My Dad, being born in England, introduced me to a lot of British Pop culture, from the Clash to the Guy Ritchie movies lol.