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moviedude's Review

Summary - Good 3.0

A moderately funny setup that puts Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly in moderately funny situations, but doesn’t go above and beyond other Will Ferrell movies.

Acting - Very Good 3.5

Will Ferrell, Mary Steenburgen, Richard Jenkins, and John C. Reilly write the definition for dysfunctional family.

Male Stars - Very Good 3.5

Female Stars - Very Good 3.5

Female Costars - Good 3.0

Male Costars - Very Good 3.5

Film - Very Good 3.5

A solid comedy with solid acting and a good plot. Some very witty, funny, and at the same time vulgar dialogue is exchanged between the step brothers. You will laugh at it.

Direction - Very Good 3.5

Dialogue - Great 4.0

The funniest exchange being an argument between the brothers about who gets the "fancy sauce." fancy sauce - a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise

Music - Good 3.0

Visuals - Good 3.0

Edge - Horrid 3.7

Vulgar, inappropriate, and crass references to sex run rampant in this film. There is a shot of someone’s testicles being rubbed on a drum.

Sex Lewd 4.5

Violence Fierce 2.5

Rudeness Nasty 4.0

Reality - Glib 2.0

Nothing realistic, but nothing off-the-wall either.

Circumstantial - Glib 2.0

Biological - Glib 2.0

Physical - Glib 2.0


  • Fire at Will! Jan 24, 2009 2:13AM

    I guess that surreal would have been a better bet – it’s just that whilst everything that occurs can be seen to be a bit crazy, it’s not beyond the realms of reality for someone to have done what they do! Sounds stupid but I guess that’s why I put that.

    You definitely should see it, the bunk-bed scene is great but you will be surprised how raunchy and offensive it is too! Great movie.

  • Wick Jan 17, 2009 6:36PM

    Thanks for the endorsement Will. I’ve kinda wanted to see this since seeing the very funny trailer in front of Semi-Pro. In particular, I still get a laugh every time I see the bunk bed scene.

    My only question about your review: completely Natural? Really? We all know plenty of dudes who are stuck in extended adolescence, but I’m thinking this movie pushes outside the reality envelope.

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