Depp takes the lead in this film about the gritty crime superstar John Dillinger. Aaah, crime in the 30’s – where sheer guts, automatic rifles, and human shields kept the bad guys alive. Of course, just like any industry, changes happen – and Dillinger must cope in an evolving world where the feds get more organized to prevent slips away across state lines. Public Enemies wasn’t a particularly insightful movie, but it was fun, fast paced, and just as gritty as the times.
Johnny Depp makes a good gangster, but I’m not so sure an accurate Dillinger, who was probably not so smooth an operator. Christian Bale plays the man of few words Melvin Purvis who eventually gets his man. Not the movie of either of their careers, but a decent job.
Michael Mann delivers a very good movie cinematically, but not a memorable one. The fineries of a well shot and edited period-piece were there, but the film comes across as a little less than a genuine attempt at portraying the real Dillinger.
Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
Haven’t seen the trailer for “Inception”. I’ll keep an eye out.
Thnx, wick. I think my expectations for this one were just way too high. Johnny Depp’s a great actor, and so is Christian Bale and Marion Cottilard. If I hosted “At the Movies”, I’d say “rent it”. BTW Have you seen the trailer for Chris Nolan’s “Inception”? I think it looks awesome!
Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
Great lead to your review Junky. Really caught my attention.
Regarding Johnny Pace’s Review
Yeah, I actually saw it a second time and was able to follow it much easier knowing who was who.
Regarding Johnny Pace’s Review
Wow! Really great review Johnny P. Entertaining and spot on, as usual.
Your 2nd paragraph nails a key weakness of the movie. “I want names!” Indeed.
I think you also appropriately place Public Enemies as being in the same orbit as Bugsy and The Untouchables, which as you point out isn’t necessarily bad, just not perfect.