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JK's reviews's Review

Summary - Really Great 4.5

Not so much a vision of the future as a distorted view on the present. We follow a group of reckless boys capable of horrific acts of sexual abuse, crime and even murder.
This film main purpose is to tell a story arc of changing opinion, we begin with nothing but horror at the actions of the gang but soon circumstances change and so does your view of these individuals.
Based of a book unlike anyother adapted to cinema this takes a refresshingly oringal story and weaves an intersting tale.

There is much to be said about this film and what it is telling us about society and government. These are interesting sidepoints to discuss, but on the whole of it the film stands tall for being a great personal story of the lead character.

The film is not for everyone though, it deals with some crude subjects, its unapologetically rude, violent and offenseive, all these add to the films power but may be too much for some to enjoy this well craqfted piece of cinema.

Acting - Really Great 4.5

Male Stars - Really Great 4.5

Female Stars - Really Great 4.5

Female Costars - Really Great 4.5

Male Costars - Really Great 4.5

Film - Great 4.0

Direction - Great 4.0

Dialogue - Great 4.0

Music - Great 4.0

Visuals - Great 4.0

Edge - Horrid 3.9

Sex Lewd 4.0

Violence Savage 4.1

Rudeness Profane 3.5

Reality - Glib 1.9

Circumstantial - Supernatural 3.7

Biological - Natural 1.0

Physical - Natural 1.0


  • MJ5K May 30, 2010 2:34PM

    I know wat ya mean, Wick. Kubrick’s a genious. No question. I look forward to watching Full Metal Jacket tonight for the first time and possibly reviewing it.

  • Wick May 30, 2010 12:00AM

    Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
    Great appreciation MJ. Clockwork floored me when I first saw it in high school. It was like: So that’s what genius movie making is like.

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