Is there a better crime movie? Other classics such as Godfather 2 equal Goodfellas, but none top it. If you like the genre and are not easily dismayed, this is the ne plus ultra.
De Niro, Pesci and Liotta at the top of their games.
Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
Solid appreciation Junky. Happy to see another Perfect weigh in. Over time, perhaps we’ll get the Trust Weighted score back up to Perfect, where it belongs IMO.
I may have to un-trust you then hahahahaha
Agreed, Randy. Each of the movies in the Top 5 now have at least two reviews. Keep in mind the total trust points of the reviewers provides the weight to drive a movie up the TopPiks charts. So even though I’m currently the most trusted reviewer, I no longer have the sole power to put a movie into the Top 5.
Haha.. laugh out loud. That is pretty humorous. The problem is that we need more than one person to review the movies. (As with Gump and Good Fellas)
Goodfellas and Gump seem to be pretty secure atop TopPiks. But the movies below them keep changing.
I noticed that Good Fellas made its way back to the top of the Week. Could it be making a comeback??? Look out Forrest Gump!