This playful romp of a movie follows the trials and tribulations of Pete Tong, a maniacal DJ who loses his hearing. Watch what happens when the boozing, coke-snorting, womanizing Pete discovers that he can no longer hear well enough to mix tunes. With his world crashing down around him, can Pete rediscover himself? Shot in a tongue-in-cheek documentary style, this movie comes across as a bit crazy and non-sensical at times, but I sense a cult classic in this one. Somewhere this movie should be playing at a frat house. Loved it!
Paul Kayne must have had fun as the wild and crazy Pete tong. His performance comes across as farcical, but I guess that was on purpose, so an excellent job!. I loved Mike Wilmot as Pete’s manager – sweaty, frenetic, reminiscent of everyone’s vision of a greasy vegas-style money grubber.
This movie is a mash-up of several comedic styles from satire, farce, slapstick – and a bit of juvenile humor thrown in for good measure. Evil coke monster indeed. Even some serious drama rounds out this movie. At first I thought there was no way this movie would make sense, but in the end, I just ended up shaking my head, laughing, and I even had that warm-inside feeling when things end well.
Lots of sex, drugs, and hip-hop
Two strong recommendations. Gotta put this one in my queue.