The dramatic depth of a lite beer commercial, egregious stereotyping and one-note performances consign The Replacements to cellar-dweller status. Even the great Gene Hackman can’t rescue it from ridiculousness, triteness and mean-spiritedness. Consider it a weak replacement for a quality football movie, of which there are many.
Gene Hackman would be worth watching reading the phone book.
Keanu Reeves wouldn’t be worth watching no matter what the source material. Sure, he’s got the movie idol looks and voice to go with an agreeable demeanor. However, his dramatic range only goes from A to B, which isn’t enough for even the one-note role of unassuming star quarterback.
Brooke Langton makes a perfect girl-next-door hottie.
Who let the dogs out?
Lamely risqué. Guys, avoid watching this movie with any female capable of putting you in the dog house. The cheerleader try-out scenes are sure to send you there. Brooke Langton sets a high standard.