An average animated film, that just seemed to miss hitting the mark for me. Although Steve Carell gives an admirable job of voicing the lead character, the film’s story line seems rehashed from other animated films, including the obligatory song and dance numbers at the end, a la Shrek.
Now, to be fair, I understand that its diffuclt to create animation that can hold a child’s attention. But I felt this film went a bit too deep into generalized characterizations, rather than really trying to develop true comedic moments. The creativity and connection to characters that I’ve enjoyed in other animated features (Finding Nemo, Toy Story, etc.) were sadly missing in this film.
Carell gives a nice voice, including a believable accent, for the lead character.
The technological advances in animation are in full view here, but get lost in much of the frenzied action.
Comedic cartoon violence, including guns, missles and other such items. Nothing worse than you would see in a Road Runner cartoon.
Some interesting story lines involving adoption and envy.