The elusive and mysterious Banksy is featured in this wonderful documentary about street artists. Known by many for his thought provoking and innovative artwork, Banksy delights in creating street art, not just vandalism. Rather than merely spraying his name on a passing boxcar, he utilizes his artistic talents to create art that challenges the normalcy of thinking.
This Academy Award nominated film is told by Thierry Guetta, a self-professed video addict, who is introduced to the world of street art through an acquaintance. With each artist utilizing codenames, it is apparent that there is a great deal of respect and interest in each other’s work. Each seems to have their own signature types, from poster art to stencils, and spend hundreds of hours planning where and how they will post their next piece.
Guetta follows several of these individuals in the pursuit of Banksy, one of the most respected and mysterious artists. Guetta eventually becomes so enamored with Banksy, that he too begins his own journey of self-discovery and expression through art, eventually culminating in a public showing.
I have never been a big fan of destructive art, meaning that which displays no real talent, and is merely “tagging” your name onto the back of a garage. But some of this artwork was insightful, creative, and as demonstrated, collectable. In the end, I think that what art is supposed to do…inspire thought.
The film is quirky, and Guetta comes across as a bit self-absorbed. However, it was an entertaining film, and one I would recommend to those of you who are documentary fans, like me.
Watched on Netflix streaming.
Real people…not much acting, although I have my doubts about Guetta and how sincere he appears in this film.
Excitement is created as we follow the artists on the various missions in the middle of the night.