A dark and disturbing movie, based on a true story, of a high school basketball star whose life spirals downhill after becoming involved in drugs. Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Jim Carroll, a scrawny kid who is gifted on the court and as a poetry writer. Jim’s social structure is predominated by his friends, including a young Mark Wahlberg, who seek escape from their oppresive private school teacher, pedophile coach, and dreary streets.
The depressing settings are offset by the beauty of Jim’s poetry, which manages to keep an undercurrent of moral direction as his character slips deeper into a world of crime, apathy, and prostitution to keep his new habit going. We feel as though the poetry in his diarylinks his existence with reality, as if he would lose his way if he were to lose the book it’s written in.
DiCaprio is brilliant in his portrayal, including the powerful struggle with narcotic withdrawal attempts. He carries the movie forward on a pace that keeps the viewer from abandoning hope in his situation. Ultimately we see him become what he loathes and mocks during the beginning of the film. A transposition that becomes part of his potential recovery.
Sadly, I felt the movie suffered somewhat because of DiCaprio’s lack of physical size to play his role. While his thespian abilities shone, his athletic prowess was unbelievable.
Watched on Netflix on demand.
Overall I felt the acting was decent. While I didn’t feel any award winning performances, it was functional.
Not for kids or those who are easily offended.