Jack Rebney has been called “The World’s Most Angry Man” after copies of him cursing his way through the taping of a 1989 Winnebago promotional video were circulated, eventually ending up on youtube.com. Evidently Jack was having a bad day when he filmed the video, as his blooper reel is filled with a continuous stream of profanity laced outbursts and acidic observations about humanity.
Jack’s rantings were so popular, that he became sort of a folk-hero, with millions of internet surfers watching his outbursts for entertainment. Like a grumpy old neighbor, Jack was relentless, yet creative in his string of obscenities.
The problem is, Jack lost his job shortly after the tapes were made, and he resented being the butt of internet jokes. So, he moved to Northern California to escape life and those who didn’t understand him.
In the documentary Winnebago Man, filmmaker Ben Steinbauer, a confessed fan of Jack’s youtube video, tracked down Jack to see what had become of him. What we find is a wonderful story of someone looking for acceptance, behind the still gruff exterior. You see, Jack has medical problems now, and he knows his days are dwindling. Through a series of interview, and over time, we learn that Jack isn’t some lunatic, but actually a highly educated man. Someone whose ideas may be foreign to our own, but still clings to the need for acceptance.
Winnebago Man is more about the human spirit and need for compassion, than showing a raging old man. It is a wonderful expose on growing older, feeling alienated, and wanting redemption. The curse of being “featured” on youtube has ruined more than one person’s life, and now Jack gets a chance to show the world his true colors.
I enjoyed this documentary as I think it speaks volumes about the power of the internet, and how one short clip can crumble a life.