A melodramatic movie about a teenage girl named Beverly (Drew Barrymore) who becomes pregnant. She marries the drug-addicted father of her child and her life is derailed as a result, leaving her yearning for a better life.
Marketed as a comedy/drama, it really plays more like dark humor, with very few LOL moments. Based an a true life story, it felt like it had been told before, offering very little new material on the perils of teenage pregnancy. I reached a point where I stopped feeling sorry for Beverly and her poor life choices. This film may appeal more to women, as it is obviously told from their point of view.
It wouldn’t be high on my list of movies I’d want to watch again.
Drew is ok in the movie, but nothing really special. It wasn’t her best work. Steve Zahn is good as the loser husband who is more interested in drugs and hanging out with his friends.
In the end, we really have a vanilla -type movie. I can’t say that too much of it really jumped out at me as something noteworthy, which, I guess you could say is noteworthy itself.