A disappointing film about an upscale father (Robert Downey Jr.) who is trying to get from Atlanta to L.A in time for the birth of his child. Along the way, he runs into and is forever challenged by Ethan (Zach Galifianakis), a good natured, but bizarre man who wants to become an actor in Hollywood.
As a fan of the movie The Hangover, I was hopful this would capture some of that humor and edginess. Instead, the movie didn;t quite work, leaving very few LOL moments, and relying on the quirkiness of Galifianakis’ character, which becomes increasingly annoying as the film goes on. The sad part is, I think many of us know people with some of the traits that the two travelers exhibit.
Reminiscent of the classic film Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, this movie tries to be the buddy-film with the lovable loser. Instead we have two annoying characters in a movie that fell short of my expectations.
Downey Jr. and Galifianakis are both good actors, and seem to genuinely try to make the most of this throwaway script.
Regarding BigdaddyDave’s Review
“Who knows how long it took to teach fido THAT trick.” :-]
As to Planes, Trains & Automobiles, classic indeed. One of us needs to review it.