Jake Gyllenhaal stars as Jamie, a pharmaceutical sales rep who falls for Maggie (Anne Hathaway) a beautiful patient in the movie Love and Other Drugs. Highly competitive, manipulative, and willing to do whatever it takes to close a deal, Jamie finds his match in the free-spirited Maggie, forcing him to chose new priorities in his life.
Although it appears to be a comedy-romance, it plays more as a bittersweet story filled with self-absorbed characters, and an underlying struggle with serious medical problems. Entertaining to some degree, but just seems to miss the mark for me as enjoyable. Maybe it’s the smarminess of Gyllenhaal’s character, or maybe its memories of having dealt with pharmaceutical reps in a previous career. Either way, the movie became tiresome after a while.
Deep viewing for those who like emotional tear-jerker type movies.
Regarding BrianSez’s Review
Terrific Film commentary, Bri. “Smiles and chuckles, but no belly laughs. Slight waves of caring, but no real emotion. Serious subject matter, but no real drama. Oh well.”
Regarding BigdaddyDave’s Review
Great review BigD. This movie was so heavily hyped, but your OK rating and bottom line statement “Deep viewing for those who like emotional tear-jerker type movies.” seem to get to the essence of it.