A sequel that seems remarkably similar to the original, The Hangover Part II still provided plenty of humor and entertainment. Set in Thailand, and utilizing the culture differences between the main cast and the locals, the film was funny, shocking, and even gross at times.
Fans of the first film will find plot lines that are rehashed. But the new content still manages to make you laugh, even though you know what is going to happen. Nice additions to this film include a monkey, whose uncanny human-like behavior and remarkable entertainment talents bring a fresh twist to the story. The main characters remain true to the first film, although I found Alan (Zach Galifianakis) to be more intolerable. You would think that having survived the antics of the first episode, the others would keep a wary distance.
There is plenty of sophomoric, and even disgusting humor at times. No doubt, the film makers realize that shock value can be entertaining. However, it’s a fine line between humor, and just plain shock. Hopefully they either create new plot twists before choosing to make another episode. For while this was entertaining, it is becoming well-worn.
Good film that made me laugh.
Regarding BrianSez’s Review
“It will be a long uphill climb to make money from a Hangover III.” Truth.