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Geek's Review

Summary - Very Good 3.5

THE LAST STAND differs from the previous installments in that this is purely an action movie with little emotional substance, a quality Bryan Singer brought to the table but this flick’s director, Brett Ratner (RUSH HOUR 3) is unable to convey. Indeed, an attempt is made, but Ratner (with a not all-that-great, and far-too-rushed screenplay) just wants to get down to the action. So be it. However, X-MEN III: THE LAST STAND isn’t all that great.

I’m not saying it’s terrible, but it’s nothing special. I still recommend a viewing (if just to see the entire trilogy, or the spectacular last twenty minutes).

Acting - Very Good 3.5

Pretty solid, overall. There’s nothing break-out with X-MEN III: THE LAST STAND, but not terrible, either. The acting powers of Hugh Jackman and Ian McKellen once again provide fantastic performances; and once-in-the-background Famke Janssen finally gets front seat and does not dissapoint in the slightest.

Male Stars - Very Good 3.5

The one consistant thing with the trilogy: the strong male leads. Every one of them is still on their A-game. Hugh Jackman (THE FOUNTAIN), awesome as ever; Ian McKellen (THE DA VINCI CODE), still awesome as Magneto; Patrick Stewart (STAR TREK: GENERATIONS), maintaining his annoying speechifying; James Marsden (SUPERMAN RETURNS), completely useless in the movie; Vinnie Jones (THE CONDEMNED), giving a fantastically fun performance; and finally, Kelsey Grammer (FRAISER), is pretty damn cool as The Beast.

Female Stars - OK 2.5

Famke Janssen, coolest Super-Baddie next to Dark Willow from the BUFFY, THE VAMPIRE SLAYER TV series. Simply another reason to see LAST STAND. One reason NOT to see LAST STAND is Halle Berry, an extremely annoying individual who I wish got a Razzie award for her performance.

Female Costars - Really Great 4.5

Male Costars - Really Great 4.5

Film - Great 4.0

It’s a $150 million dollar Hollywood movie. Need anymore be said?

Direction - Good 3.0

Brett Ratner. Oi. Ratner brings nothing new to the table, nothing at all. He just... points and shoots. Simple as that. Nothing spectacular.

Dialogue - Very Good 3.5

Could have been worse. A lot worse. For the most part, adequate and passable without too many cringe-worthy moments.

Music - Perfect 5.0

The one real outstanding element going for THE LAST STAND is composer John Powell (THE BOURNE ULTIMATIUM). Powell has crafted a terrific soundtrack. He brings plenty of new themes, but simultaneously works in the prior composer's (John Ottman) work. Personally, I'm a big fan of gigantic, apocalyptic scores; ergo, my favorites tracks are from the sequences involving Dark Phoenix (ie, the awesome ending).

Visuals - Perfect 5.0

Again, it's a $150 million dollar Hollywood movie. I daresay the visuals are good.

Edge - Risqué 1.6

The X-MEN movies have never really been guilty of any ‘edgieness’, and this installment doesn’t deviate from that path. Aside from a few words here and there (and a load of violence), THE LAST STAND is rather tame.

Sex Innocent 1.0


Violence Fierce 2.3

Plenty of violence here, folks. However, it's rather tame. No blood, no body parts flying apart (except in one sequence, though, once again there was no blood, and the individual in question could regrow his missing limbs), nothing to bring about a "Eww!" moment.

Rudeness Polite 1.4

A "damn" or "shit" here and there, but nothing extreme.

Reality - Surreal 2.5

Humans with genetic mutations thus granting them extrodinary powers that some see fit to save the world and others to destroy it. Nope, not a big surreal at all.

Circumstantial - Surreal 2.5

Biological - Surreal 2.5

Physical - Surreal 2.5

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