Infernal Affairs screams Hong Kong 2002. Movie theaters advertise Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones back in black and Harrison Ford as Capt. Alexei Vostrikov. Within that milieu, Alan Mak & Wai-keung Lau’s blockbuster unspools a cop story of such depth, perfection and tension that Martin Scorsese decided to bring it to America with Nicholson, DiCaprio, Damon, Walberg & Sheen. Result? The Departed of course.
The Hong Kong original tops the 2006 Boston knockoff however. Scorsese’s homage staggers under the weight of an alien and ultimately absurd plot. Thus it reaches greatness but can’t exceed it, notwithstanding its greater – Western – stars. Star-power aside, Infernal Affairs scores higher as a film, its homegrown plot equally absurd yet perfectly at home on the rooftops overlooking fragrant harbour, er, Hong Kong.
The fun is matching up the actors and characters – Chinese and American.
Alec Baldwin and Mark Wahlberg? Not so sure.
Perfectly constructed albeit extremely complex, two moles of two bosses cross paths too many times to keep straight, creating a too delicious crime tableau to tickle the taste of taut thriller lovers.
Fundamentals get played no better than in Alan Mak & Wai-keung Lau’s landmark blockbuster. Given that Internal Affairs are an infernal staple of hard core cop movies, you gotta admire filmmakers who grab something that’s been done hundreds of times over dozens of years and make something fresh out of it.
The Wrestler & The Artist come to mind. The Fighter too, except Infernal Affairs whups ’em all in mathematical complexity. Leave it to the Chinese to be the most clever.
Cops and mobsters cross paths so many times it’s cinematically intoxicating.
No one dies for the first hour but it’s brutal when they do.
Asian Action. Get my drift.
Regarding Wick’s Review
Good choice. I swore off DVDs, so Netflix isn’t available for me on this one.
Regarding Wick’s Review
Ok, well, I’m going to go the Netflix route with this one…
Regarding Wick’s Review
Watched this Amazon OnDemand on my Roku. Roku’s fine but Amazon’s a pain in the… A pain, but worth it. Infernal Affairs rocks combinatorially.