The story of Timothy Treadwell – famously known for going out into the wild and chronicling the lives of bears. He saw himself as a savior of the bear and of nature. The filming is incredible. The man got close. In the end, he got too close. This is no surprise after getting to know him. He was definitely out there at times. Very emotional and all over the place. Losing track over what was real – the fact that predators exist in nature. This film is an amazing collection of footage and interviews with his closest associates who both celebrated what he did but were also critical of the fact that he crossed the line. The unique aspect of his death is that it didn’t feel as completely a sad affair. Instead, you feel like he died exactly the way he wanted to. The film is a fascinating and memorable journal that anyone who appreciates nature as well as studies into unique human personalities will appreciate.
Regarding MJ5K’s Review
Great pick MJ. I’m sold on Herzog’s documentaries after seeing his Cave of Forgotten Dreams earlier this year.