Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore reunite for this comedy about a women who loses her memory very night, and the man determined to win here heart. Cute, but forgettable (no joke intended there) standard Sandler fare with the same cameos from all the other Happy Madison Productions.
Sandler is his usual self in his self-produced movies, the smart-ass with a heart of gold who everyone seems to like. Barrymore has the best performance of the film, and really has the only one to show any conflicting emotions.
Beautiful scenery, big production is evident throughout the film. The Beach Boys music is probably the most memorable part of the film.
Compared with other Sandler films this is pretty tame. The language is very restrained and there is no real violence to speak of whatsoever. Nothing aside from some kissing is ever shown either. Really gentle for a Sandler film.
Though the condition Barrymore’s character suffers from is real, the idea that people just humor her until Sandler comes along and that a marine biologist somehow quickly finds way to work around a condition that specialists have a hard time dealing with is not very convincing.