A great coming of age in the summertime story, The Way Way Back is a mix of well portreyed typical teen subjects: trouble with mom’s boyfriend, trying to get the girl, and growth under the tutelage of a mentor who needs some growth himself. This is a feel good movie that stands up to many of the greats of the genre and will leave you yearning for a trip to the water park.
For a funny man, Steve Carell does remarkably well as the prick-ish mom-boyfriend
Toni Collette – shows her acting chops as the actor showing how sufferers act.
Allison Janney – wow! I’ve haven’t seen this good a job at the boozing divorcee in a long time!
Liam James, the focus of the show, shows great range as a brooding awkward teen who transforms to an independant and confident young man
Sam Rockwell is a dry-humor hoot! The whole “slacker as a mentor” schtick isn’t new, but Sam does it like no other.
Regarding BrianSez’s Review
A teen grows “under the tutelage of a mentor who needs some growth himself.” Now that’s a great observation.
Regarding Tripod’s Review
“I left the theatre wishing I had found the path that would have me running the Water Wizz and married to a boozing broad like Betty.” Now that would’ve been an interesting life.