I hate to admit it, but this 2 hour Google commercial was frequently funny. With the two-peas-in-a-pod due of Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, along with funny up and comers, and proven formula direction by Vince Vaughn, this was no surprise. To be sure, at times I had to grimace through outrageous characterizations and cheesy humor; But in the end, the feel-good formula shines through and satisfies. Long live the Wilson Vaugn duo – who can apparently turn any subject matter in to a funny feel good movie.
Regarding Tripod’s Review
Yeah, the consensus amongst the professional reviewers seems to be Barely OK. So you’re right in the mainstream.
Regarding Tripod’s Review
Thanks, please be kind to your apprentice of observation. I have decided to be the first stream of conciousness reviewer in the industry hoping to distinguish myself that way since it appears that all others seem to think that movies require a long considered, thoughful recount. To me, a movie must enter your bloodstream and immediately deliver oxygen to your soul, or it is no better than a time-release pain killer. But about the movie, it is only average at best and unlike Shawshank Redemption, I wont be seeing it 50 times in my life.
Regarding Tripod’s Review
Entertaining review, though sounds like you liked it more than Barely OK.
Lots of great lines in your review, as apparently also in the movie. “This is the first time I enjoyed Vince Vaughn and I don’t know why.” As someone with mixed feelings about Vaughn, that resonates with me.