Woody comes up with a new dramatic gem with Blue Jasmine. It’s so Woody, yet its so fresh. A tale of two neurotic sisters: Starting with Cate Blanchett who’s over-the-top fallen NYC socialite dominates much of the screenplay with her love-to-hate character. Sally Hawkins is sister #2 who’s down-under self esteem lands her with loser after loser. The interaction between them is priceless, and the interaction with top notch actors Alec Baldwin and Peter Sarsgaard was fantastic. Throw in appearances from Andrew Dice Clay and Louis C.K. and you’ve got a powerhouse cast that entertains at every turn. The Woody screenplay is icing on the cake with this new classic.
Regarding BrianSez’s Review
“It’s so Woody, yet it’s so fresh.” Yes!
Regarding Tripod’s Review
I can see why reviewers come and go.
Regarding Tripod’s Review
“The movie surprises and delivers at all levels of consciousness.” So does this review.
Regarding Wick’s Review
This definitely sounds worth seeing!