At this rate, Michael Bay should have no fear of sequel burnout with Transformers. What I early on dismissed as a mis-use of turning toys in to movies (G.I. Joe anyone?) has turned in to a reasonably powerful movie entertainment brand. Age of Extinction brings more of an attempt to explain background to it all, and enforces an almost Samurai-like approach of tradition. And of course, the action and the robotic power-mastery ensues non-stop, almost overwhelmingly so. Finally, the cast seems to be well tuned: Wahlberg is one thing, but Kelsey Grammer as a bad guy and Stanley Tucci as a narcissistic inventor were awesome. Newbies Peltz and Reynor seem to be learning from the best. See this one on the big screen – heck go for IMAX and/or 3D. You’ll enjoy that, trust me.
I’m going great due to Stanley Tucci’s well placed humor, Kelsey Grammer’s awesome bad-guy shtick, and John Goodman’s Hound.
Sometimes there is too much of a good thing, and I actually think they should have toned down the action — just a little bit for character development time.
Regarding Wick’s Review
“An upgraded cast elevates the latest Transformers movie into a perfectly acceptable summer blockbuster.” Well said
Regarding BrianSez’s Review
You came to Very Good from the high side. I came to it from the low side.
Regarding BrianSez’s Review
You got me with the cast. Gotta see it…