As I told my son after the movie – there are two jobs I probably could never have survived in those times of war: (1) In a submarine, or (2) in a Tank. Fury gets you deep in to it all. Mud. Filth. Blood. Gore. Death. Fire. Rubble. Fog. Cold. Loud. Chaotic. Terror. Quick. Smart. Buddies. Jokes. Coping. Loyalty. Stoic. Survival. Some of the words that capture key elements of Fury, and I could go on and on. Wick adds Fury to his list of “Mt. Rushmore” movies, and I wholeheartedly agree. Fury adds a depth of reality to the often glorified World War II that will leave you in a state of shock and awe. No, not the shock and awe of dropping bombs from drones, but a shock and awe that comes from having your senses overwhelmed for 2 hours with a reality that you would never want to live through yourself. Outstanding cast, outstanding film. You won’t soon forget this one.
Brad! The man transforms into the perfect Sergeant tank commander – the one you always imagined. The guy with the hardness, wisdom, yet caring patronage of all the dumb-asses and rookies. They guy that inspires the unthinking loyalty of the equally hardened. Inspiring performance.
Shia LaBeouf pulls his weight as the uninitiated. He makes the transformation of scared newbie to hardened veteran in a span of days believable.
Michael Pena and Jon Bernthal are equally great as part of the crew. Their boyish qualities while taking on the tasks of men are just the way you picture dealing with war actually happens.
Teetering on perfect. Really.
Regarding BrianSez’s Review
“Outstanding cast, outstanding film.” Here! Here!