Saving Private Ryan has a new neighbor atop the pantheon of Great American War movies. Chris Kyle, Bradley Cooper and Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper illuminates the reality of America’s 21st century war as never before, just as Steven Spielberg’s classic did about the Greatest Generation’s war.
Like Spielberg’s WWII movie, Eastwood’s instant classic makes vivid what we’d previously seen only in filtered images. However, American Sniper hits closer to home because it is set recently, about an ongoing war, and is a biopic, not a work of fiction.
Some Lefties aren’t happy with the movie, in part because it can trigger assertions about “ongoing war”. Yet the movie suggests that Kyle was inspired to enlist in the U.S. military after a 1998 Islamist attack on our country and properly saw his enemy in Iraq as Islamist nihilists. Sure, Saddam Hussein was no Islamist, but he supported them and they rushed in after he was overthrown. Thus Kyle correctly saw himself as defending America and liberal values from Islamism and related despotism.
Politics aside, American Sniper is a perfect movie: gripping from the outset, deftly edited, charming, illuminating, clear-eyed, uplifting and ultimately heartbreaking. Three great Americans made it so.
American Sniper joins Lone Survivor to form the twin towers of Islamist War movies, two biopics about Americans imperfectly taking the fight to the bad guys. Given that the Iraq phase of the war inflicted greater trauma on our country than the Afghanistan phase, American Sniper resonates deeper and is a deserved cause célèbre.
Finally, much early commentary about American Sniper seeks to understand why it is a hit. The reason is simple: it tells a true story in which American warriors are the good guys. I noted the same thing about The Hurt Locker seven years ago. Memo to Hollywood: Make quality war movies that show Americans favorably and you’ll sell lots of tickets. War movies that Michael Moore likes will lose money.
Bradley Cooper famously packed on 40 pounds of muscle and swore to Chris Kyle that he’d get his depiction right. He did, capturing Kyle’s signature mix of aw-shucks middle-Americanism and SEAL derring-do. Earnest individuals rarely go silver screen as faithfully as Cooper apparently did for Kyle.
Sienna Miller has a more thankless job as wife Taya Kyle, seen mostly on home leave, where she often chides her husband for placing his family second behind the War. Yet this too has an honesty about it, in no small part because of Miller’s well-played selfishness. Justified selfishness, but selfishness nonetheless.
Selected SEALs
Clint Eastwood regains his fastball.
American Sniper is brilliantly mounted and directed, as outstanding a film as he’s ever made.
It deftly time-slices Chris Kyle’s story across two full decades, coherently darting back-and-forth across time to play-out key moments in his life. Most spring from his four tours of duty in Iraq, then jump back to his boyhood or when he met his wife, then hopscotch forward through key ensuing moments to illuminate his POV while in Iraq. Consumate filmmaking, this. It should be a lock for the Editing Oscar.
Islamist nihilism is glimpsed and heard, albeit mercifully not dwelled upon. These include an evil man who wields a power drill as a torture tool and executioner’s weapon. Later, severed heads and limbs are glimpsed in a torture chamber. Those savage atrocities are visited upon Iraqis by Islamists in their midst.
Americans are subjected to war violence and severe emotional distress. We fellow Americans should see this however. It’s the least we can do to understand their service. For instance, Chris Kyle flies home in the back of a cargo plane surrounded by flag-draped caskets. For a man dedicated to saving fellow American service members from that fate, imagine how that steeled his resolve.
American Sniper appears to have taken some artistic license. The primary elements of this biopic ring true however, a fact that is driving many on the Left nuts.
Some final observations on the reality that American Sniper reveals.