This story turns into a bigger story film starts with Ryan Gosling, perfect at the ‘reckless ex-con dad’ conflicted over his desire to be a loving dad then morphs in to a bad-cop movie focusing on Bradley Cooper (and what bad-cop movie could be without Ray Liotta) and then brings it full circle. This interconnected web of stories is done really well for the story itself, but is made great by the very good cast of characters who glue the drama together in fine form.
Regarding BrianSez’s Review
“and what bad-cop movie could be without Ray Liotta” Indeed.
Regarding Tripod’s Review
You’re a tough grader Tripod, so I’m pleased you saw fit to give it quality grade just a tick below the one I awarded.
As usual, I got a kick out of reading your commentary. Insightful and funny.
Regarding Wick’s Review
Just saw the trailer last night. And after your review, I’m looking forward to this one!