Not terrible, but a disappointing end to the trilogy that started with so much potential. Like many trilogies, the POTC story grew too convoluted as the movies moved along, and by this third film there’s about an hour worth or unnecessary material that does nothing but distract the audience from the heart of the story.
Johnny Depp is still on the mark, but his wit is dulled this time around by cartoony dialouge clearly added to give more laughs to younger audience members. Kiera Knightly and Orlando Bloom are unfortunately regulated to mere caricatures of their formers selves, but Geoffry Rush returns in full force, giving the best performance of the film.
The film looks amazing, but there’s too much this time around. Way too much CGI, with some action sequences being drawn out in the wrong spots.
The dialogue seems weaker this time around, and the biggest disappointment comes from editing choices that skew the way ending is presented. A major scene was cut from the film, with another being placed after the credits, both of which have a massive effect on the overall feel of the film’s ending. Many people were likely let down by the somber ending, but a little looking around fills in some gaps that make the ending at least a little happier.
No sex to speak of, this is a Disney movie after all, and the language is all family-safe. The violence may be the only breaking point for parents with younger children. After all, the major goal of the heroes this time around is to stab a beating heart that has been removed from it’s host. Captain Jack at one point hallucinates taking his own brain out of his skull and licking it. The fights are not very gruesome, but there are a lot of them.
Water spirits, fish-people, magic spells, etc.