ALIENS VS. PREDATOR – REQUIEM was, sadly, a disappointment. How on planet earth could filmmakers mess up a simple concept of a duke-out between two alien rivals with two movies? How?!?!?!?! Apparently, center the movie on absolute piece of trash characters who speak wooden, cringe-worthy dialouge that would make George Lucas envious; have the two advisaries walk the entire movie. Yes, walk. With the expception of probably five minutes of film, all the Predator or Aliens do is walk, crawl, growl, jump, or pose.
Academy Awards could be given to friggin’ stick figures with voice overs compared to these extremely horrible and excruciatingly bad “performancesâ€. Every ‘actor’ – and I use that word loosely – delivers their lines with deadpan and horrendous voices, not even bothering to inject some form of life or soul into their characters. Not even Reiko Aylesworth of “24†fame is able to fathom some sort of enthusiasm. The dialogue of George Lucas and the actors speaking his words monotone is nothing compared to this diabolical of junk. At least we got a beautiful leading lady in the form of
For a movie about two alien beings supposed to beat the living bugger out of each other, this was a rather tame flick.
I’m sure not many of you knew this, but Michael Bay sent out a camera crew to film this monumental event in the outskirts of Los Angeles. Seriously, this is a bloody documentary! Listen, just ‘cause it doesn’t have a wobbly camera doesn’t mean I’m not right!