Spice World gets a lot of flack for being a film that stars The Spice Girls [it’s the cool thing to do when you diss these ladies]. But given the chance, it’s a really appealing and charming film with a lot of energy and spunk. Watching five days in the lives of the Spice Girls is entertaining as we see paparazzi target them, aliens land down to get their autographs, and the five Brits sing and dance into the public’s hearts. Similar to The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night and Help!, Spice World shows five famous women goofing around and having the time of their lives. This film is nothing but a walking advertisement for The Spice Girls and their music. Nothing more, nothing less. What else can you ask for?
Surprisingly good. The Spice Girls have some acting talent and show a great deal of charm and personality in each of their performances. And the supporting cast is just stellar, as you have Richard E. Grant, Roger Moore, Alan Cumming, Richard O’Brien, Meat Loaf, etc. Plus cameos by Elton John, Bob Geldof, Bob Hoskins, Elvis Costello, etc. really add to the appeal of this film.
An alien grabs Mel B.‘s boob. Plus Posh in really low cut dresses [same with Ginger]. Also mention of their pregnant keeping her legs closed so she wouldn’t complain about having birth. Definitely more adult than its target audience.
It’s not totally based in reality. Some fantasy elements are here in full effect.