Enjoyable but no masterpiece. For a film supposedly featuring a random group of people in the real world their are a few too many plot coincidences. There are some good scares, some nice images, good but not great.
Solid. Everyone convinces as slightly annoying yuppies. The cellphone call in the train tunnels was excellant.
Works for what they were trying to do.
9/11 imagery will probably cause the most problems here. Some violence.
For me the most unrealistic part was the convineance of certain plot moments. But still the whole giant monster thing is not natural.
As do I…
I think this ought to be a pretty good year… I am looking forward to it.
Haha yes! And the year has just begun! Amazing.
WHOA!!!! Look at Cloverfield! Hahaha! It took the day, week, AND ALL TIME CATAGORIES!!!
It was really an amazing film.
I dunno about you guys, but I think its here to stay. =]