What an innovative film for its time (1940) — visual cartoon interpretations done by Disney animators of classic musical masterpieces performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra. Some of the scenes are pretty intense, which I think makes this less of a young child’s film and more of a teen-to-adult film. It is dated, from the quality of the visuals to the narrator himself, but still, this is a very cool film.
The orchstra, conductor, and narrator are real people, but the animation is obviously fake.
Thanks, Metal Junky. One of these days soon I’ll get to Fantasia 2000 …
Regarding hurwizzle’s Review
Good review, hurwizzle.
Nice to see someone else show apreciation for a good disney film : )
Regarding hurwizzle’s Review
Solid appreciation Hurwizzle.
I set the genre as Music. Seems a better choice than Children/Family, the other candidate.