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MJ5K's Review

Summary - Perfect 5.0

Who am I? What am I doing here? Those are the questions our main character(a man with no short term memory) must figure out in Christopher Nolan’s widely acclaimed suspense mystery thriller “Memento”. One of the best films of the past decade and an instant classic for years to come, “Memento” is suspenseful, chilling, and may even leave some confused O.o

Told backwards through Nolan’s(from a story by his brother) excellent story telling, “Memento” is about a man named Leonard who’s lost his short term memory. Every few minutes, he forgets where he is, what he’s doing, and why he’s doing it. Through tattoos on his body and written notes on his walls, Leonard does his best to remember everything he can. Because of his short term memory loss, it damages the case of finding his murdered wife’s killer.

If you think “The Dark Knight” was Nolan’s brilliant masterpiece, wait ‘til you see “Memento.” Its a suspenseful thrill ride that’ll keep you at the edge of your seat and make you come back for more.

Acting - Really Great 4.5

Male Stars - Really Great 4.5

Guy Pearce gives a great performance as Leonard and proves that he is one of the most underrated actors in the business today.

Female Stars - Really Great 4.5

Cary Ann Moss is very good and beautifully deceiving in the role of Natalie.

Female Costars - Really Great 4.5

Male Costars - Really Great 4.5

Joe Pantaliano(like Moss) gives a great performance as Teddy, a character we don't know whether to trust or not.

Film - Perfect 5.0

Direction - Perfect 5.0

Unlike "Batman Begins", the shaky/reallistic camera shots are put into good effect. The camera movement makes us feel as though we're on this wild chase with these actors.

Dialogue - Perfect 5.0

The dialogue is very reallistic and feels authentic.

Music - Perfect 5.0

The music is very chilling and the suspense of the film definitly hinges on the music.

Visuals - Really Great 4.5

Edge - Risqué 2.5

Sex Titillating 1.6

Violence Brutal 3.0

Rudeness Profane 3.0

Reality - Glib 1.2

Circumstantial - Glib 1.2

Biological - Glib 1.2

Physical - Glib 1.2


  • Wick Sep 12, 2010 11:18AM

    Regarding moviedude’s Review
    Agreed Dude. Your review prompted me to reread mine, where I noticed that I’d dubbed Memento a modern day Citizen Kane. As it happens, I also made the same claim about Inception, for which I took some heat from a buddy on facebook.

    I don’t recall making the Citizen Kane comparison about any other director’s movies, just Christopher Nolan’s. The guy’s a genius, that’s for sure.

  • MJ5K Apr 21, 2010 10:00PM

    Interestingly enough, ever time I watch Memento it gets better each time. I guess thats why I boosted it up to a Perfect 5. Heck, I think it might just be my new favorite movie.

  • MJ5K Feb 17, 2010 8:12PM

    Regarding izzio’s Review
    Great review, izzio.

    I’m glad to see me and Wick aren’t the only people who think Guy Pearce is an underrated and underused actor.

  • MJ5K Feb 7, 2010 1:53PM

    Thanks, Wick. I honestly didn’t mind Moss in this film, I’ve just never showed an interest in her work or acting abilities. However, I think she was pretty good in this movie.

  • Wick Feb 7, 2010 12:27AM

    Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
    Solid review MJ. Happy to see we gave it virtually the same marks.

    My only point of disagreement is Carrie-Anne Moss, who I thought was significantly less than great. Of course, I’ve never liked her, so I may be a biased judge.

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