Another rocket ride of irony, innuendo and immolation, Iron Man 2 picks up where Iron Man 1 left off. Dutifully advancing Marvel’s narrative about a glossy world of marvelous titans, it crackles with wit, energy and sexual tension.
That said, it’s distinctly less delightful than its predecessor, albeit equally brilliant and eminently acceptable. Frequently LOL, often fascinating, occasionally even thought provoking, it suffers from a weak supporting cast, dialogue that’s more Tin Man than Iron Man when Robert Downey Jr. isn’t on screen, and a forced march of Marvel dictated exposition.
Still, blockbusters that work are worth treasuring. And this work-of-iron is often solid-gold.
Looking ahead two years, let’s hope The Avengers and IM3 return to the purple perfection of IM1, still the number two all time TopPik
Robert Downey Jr. stands alone, effortlessly adept. Most every other performance seemed labored or mannered, though many are from first rate actors. Take Mickey Rourke’s mealy-mouthed Russian, with his fey hair and proto-Klingon visage. Usually indelible, here Rourke’s nearly unintelligible.
Several bulls-eyes and a few misses: an example of the former – the hottie partay at Tony Stark’s Malibu mansion, complete with a grooving Iron Man; of the latter, Iron Man and War Machine’s unengaging intramural fight.
Comik violence and double entendres.
Comik commentary on disarmament theory: Is a unipolar world best for all when the predominant power is not fundamentally malicious? IM2 says yes. A superior weapon – wielded for protection, not conquest – provides a safety umbrella under which society thrives. Hobble the noble champion and bad actors become tempted to seek their advantage, consequences and collateral damage be damned.
Regarding Snackula’s Review
Tough but fair, Snackula, and especially well argued.
Regarding SnowMan’s Review
“As an aside, now that the real Senator Specter from PA lost his primary bid, do they have to recast that role?” Good one.
I agree with brien sez.. lol.. but that would be interesting wick. not to say that it would be the best.. but you never know, right?
How about her and Halle Berry in a double bill?
Regarding Wick’s Review
Scarlett Jo – Unintentionally ridiculous? Perhaps…. but I was so distracted by her hotness, I never noticed! ;^)
Regarding Demona’s Review
thanks man.. i appreciate it! It was a great flick!
Regarding Demona’s Review
Loved your review Demona!