Based on a remarkable true story of a high-school dropout who enrolls in law school and becomes an attorney to exonerate her brother. The storyline is engaging, but comes across as a bit schmaltzy in it’s cinematic presentation.
Hilary Swank plays Betty Anne Waters, whose brother Kenny (Sam Rockwell) is convicted of a brutal murder. The checkered past of Betty Anne and Kenny leaves little doubt that justice has been served. But Betty Anne feels otherwise, and enrolls in law school in an attempt to represent her brother.
Sometimes movies try to be more moving than they need to be. The true story itelf is plenty dramatic, and is sadly washed over in cinematic hues of melodrama and occasioanl heavy-handed acting. Sadly this overexposure to theatrics diminishes the final story, leaving it to feel more like a Lifetime TV movie than the powerful legal piece it could have been. As they say in baseball “Juuust a bit outside….”
Regarding BigdaddyDave’s Review
“sadly washed over in cinematic hues of melodrama”. Great line.