A surprisingly amusing teen flick about Olive (Emma Stone), who decides to lie to a friend about losing her virginity. Rumors quickly circulate around the school about her fictional tryst, which leads to offers from a variety of unpopular boys in the school, all looking to bolster their popularity by having her lie about sleeping with them as well.
While I generally am leery of many teen flicks, I actually found this one to be quite amusing at times. With direct nods to John Hughes films included in the script, this movie has elements of that sharp comedic writing that made Hughes films from the 80s so successful. Plenty of teenage strife, without being as over-dramatic as many of today’s teen flicks tend to be.
While the humor was good, the film did sadly degenerate during the last ten minutes into the sappy Glee-style musical numbers that I feared. But that slip wasn’t enough to completely tarnish the film for me, and although regrettable, is one that wouldn’t rule out a recommended viewing.
Yes, it’s not sophisticated, but it was entertaining, and in the end, that’s why we watch films, right?
Regarding BigdaddyDave’s Review
Good one BigD.
I became an Emma Stone fan with Zombieland.