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    Very Good
  • 11
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WordSlinger's Review

Summary - Very Good 3.5

Has it’s flaw for sure, but still a fun and entertaining movie. Good enough to silence those who were outraged at the idea of remaking this movie. While some additions are welcome changes from the original film and more loyal to the book, others over-complicate the film and are essentially distractions.

Acting - Great 4.0

Johnny Depp gives an on-n-off performance as Wonka. The weak points come in his baby-talk voice, silly dance moves and awkward flashbacks. Underneath it all, however, Depp adds a new dimension to the character, with subtle schadenfreude and the implication that many of the films events are anticipated, even planned.

Male Stars - Great 4.0

Female Stars - Great 4.0

Female Costars - Great 4.0

Male Costars - Great 4.0

Film - Very Good 3.5

Tim Burton spared no expense bringing the fantasic world of the Chocolate Factory life in a way the original film could not. The atmosphere was perfect for Burton’s sense of style. Adding a backstory about Wonka’s dentist father was a questionable move to force the film’s moral upon the audience, but the scenes adapted from the book itself are very well done.

Direction - Great 4.0

Dialogue - Great 4.0

The children and their parents speak more characteristically cliche that the orginal film, but their two-dimensional characters are more in-tune with the ones in the story.

Music - Barely OK 2.0

The biggest point this film concedes to the original are the songs. Danny Elfman composed and penned the lyrics to the Oompa-Loompa performances, which are more distracting than anything else. Only one of the four performances (Augustus Gloop) is catchy, while the others seems to drag.

Visuals - Perfect 5.0

Nothing short of amazing. A factory full of colorful Rube Goldberg machinary creating all kinds of candy. What else could you ask for?

Edge - Tame 1.0

Any kind of insults thrown around are appropriate for children to hear, and the film’s most violent moment comes when squirrels push Veruca Salt and her dad down a garbage shoot. Disney movies have more to worry about than this film.

Sex Innocent 1.0

Violence Gentle 1.0

Rudeness Polite 1.0

Reality - Supernatural 3.2

As Mike Teevee points out, most of the things in Wonka’s Factory wouldn’t really work, but come on, that’s the fun of this movie.

Circumstantial - Surreal 2.2

Biological - Supernatural 3.1

Physical - Fantasy 4.2

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