By Wick on September 15, 2007 00:48
PERFECT Movie | 73 Trust Points |
Just as _Goodfellas_ is the ne plus ultra of mob movies, *Unforgiven* is the apotheosis of Westerns. In classic West... | |
Titillating, Brutal, Profane, Glib |
By Fire at Will! on May 10, 2008 09:07
REALLY GREAT Movie | 73 Trust Points |
This noirish, brutal Western truly leaves its mark upon the viewer. Filled with moral ambiguity, unjust actions and ... | |
GREAT Acting | GREAT Film |
Erotic, Fierce, Profane, Glib |
Good call, Terry. A benchmark movie.
One of Clint Eastwood’s best and darkest movies. What I love about this movie is that he effectively kills off the Man With No Name character that made him famous in his early film career. It seems to be his way of saying, “I won’t be doing characters like that anymore.†It’s also a meditation of the cyclical trap of violence – violence only leading to more violence. Great film!