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DrakeReviews's Review

Summary - Perfect 5.0

Its hard to write a summary on this movie. I’m trying it anyways. The story is about a man named Cobb who masters the ability to go into peoples minds/dreams and steal secrets that someone might be hiding. That is all i can really say about it because I hate giving away things!

Acting - Perfect 5.0

The acting in this film is outstanding. An all star cast brought their best performance’s to the table in this film. DiCaprio has done some fantastic roles in the past decade. From “Catch me if you Can” to “Blood Diamond”. He out does himself in this role. Props to you!

Male Stars - Perfect 5.0

Female Stars - Perfect 5.0

Female Costars - Perfect 5.0

Male Costars - Perfect 5.0

Film - Perfect 5.0

Such an amazing film overall. Yes I understand its a little long but it goes by very fast if you were as into it as me. The action is almost non stop and you learn more and more about the story even from the last 10 seconds. I’m very proud to announce that this is my favorite film of all time.

Direction - Perfect 5.0

Dialogue - Perfect 5.0

Music - Perfect 5.0

Visuals - Perfect 5.0

Edge - Tame 1.5

Violence and brief language

Sex Innocent 1.0

Not an issue

Violence Brutal 2.6

There is a lot of guns, knifes, and fist fights throughout the film! mild blood but still lots of death.

Rudeness Polite 1.0

Reality - Surreal 2.8

Circumstantial - Surreal 2.8

Biological - Surreal 2.8

Physical - Surreal 2.8


  • Wick Jan 18, 2011 9:39PM

    Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
    “Nolan is the Hitchcock of our time.” Right on.

  • Wick Jul 29, 2010 9:11AM

    Regarding hurwizzle’s Review
    Great review Wizzle. Love the "I"s: “intricate, intriguing, intense, immense, impossibly interesting, impressive, irresistible, intoxicating”, indeed!

    I saw it on an old school big screen (the Winchester 22 dome), so may have to seek out an IMAX for the de rigueur second viewing.

    Hey, as a musician, you’ll get a special kick out of this Inception Music Comparison video. Yet another intriguing intricacy.

  • BrianSez Jul 25, 2010 4:34PM

    I didn’t have much to add to what you guys and everyone else is saying about Inception. I came in a little under your ratings, but am no less enthusiastic about Nolan’s new masterpiece!

  • Wick Jul 24, 2010 12:55AM

    Regarding izzio’s Review
    Iz, you are so right in saying Inception outdoes Dark Knight. Whereas the latter was a derivative work, Inception is all Nolan. Stunning.

    Lots to chew through. My review might take a few days to appear. Got several levels of ideas to organize.

  • izzio Jul 19, 2010 12:13AM

    Regarding DrakeReviews’s Review
    Great first review, Drake!

  • DrakeReviews Jul 18, 2010 11:37PM

    One of the best films of the decade

  • Wick Jul 16, 2010 7:41PM

    Regarding izzio’s Review
    Wow, Iz. Strong words: “outdoes Dark Knight.” I can’t wait to see it.

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