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MJ5K's Review

Summary - Perfect 5.0

The dream is real.

Christopher Nolan is a man whom I have had the upmost respect for quite some time. Memento is a brilliant noir thriller with one of the most creative story lines ever. The Dark Knight is easily the greatest comic book movie ever made as it pushed the boundaries of what a good comic book film really could be. And other Nolan movies like Insomnia, The Prestige, and Following merely prove my point even more: Nolan is the Hitchcock of our time. And Inception is but another testament to his true greatness.

Inception is set in a futuristic world in which technology has come so far that we now have the technology to invade peoples’ dreams. Dominic Cobb (an excellent Leonardo Dicaprio) is an extractor. He steals ideas for a living. Cobb is haunted by the death of his wife and the absence of his young children which interferes with his work. But when his most recent employer requires him to perform inception, Cobb sees an oppurtinity to return to his children and find happiness once again.

The film reeks of Nolanisms. The out of order plot, the visuals, the suspense, its all here and it is awesome! The story is just as brilliant as any of his other films. Its just as clever as Memento and just as, if not more, compelling than The Dark Knight. Many people have compared this film to The Matrix or Dark City, however I feel the large scale and concept to the film echoes more of something along the lines of Blade Runner. And while it is completely different from Ridley Scott’s own sci fi classic, I can see Inception having a similar following.

Although keep in mind, this is Nolan we’re talking about here. The story can prove to be confusing to some people but with more views, you will be able to follow along.

Overall, Inception is a modern sci fi classic that should live on for years to come. A must see.

Acting - Perfect 5.0

The performances are all around perfect. Leo Dicaprio gives his best and most memorable performance since partaking in the Martin Scorsese’s The Departed. The supporting cast is equally good and each actor brings something different to the table. All around an A+ cast.

Male Stars - Perfect 5.0

Female Stars - Perfect 5.0

Female Costars - Perfect 5.0

Male Costars - Perfect 5.0

Film - Perfect 5.0

One of the most brilliant screenplay’s written in ages. I would go as far as to say this the most innovative and creative science fiction film since Minority Report.

Direction - Perfect 5.0

Dialogue - Perfect 5.0

Music - Perfect 5.0

Visuals - Perfect 5.0

Edge - Risqué 2.0

Quite a bit of violence but nothing here is too heavy. Its not quite as dark as some of Nolan’s other films, but still pretty dark. I’d say kids under 10 probably shouldn’t watch it.

Sex Innocent 1.0

Violence Brutal 3.0

Rudeness Salty 2.0

Reality - Supernatural 4.0

Circumstantial - Supernatural 4.0

Biological - Supernatural 4.0

Physical - Supernatural 4.0


  • Wick Jan 18, 2011 9:39PM

    Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
    “Nolan is the Hitchcock of our time.” Right on.

  • Wick Jul 29, 2010 9:11AM

    Regarding hurwizzle’s Review
    Great review Wizzle. Love the "I"s: “intricate, intriguing, intense, immense, impossibly interesting, impressive, irresistible, intoxicating”, indeed!

    I saw it on an old school big screen (the Winchester 22 dome), so may have to seek out an IMAX for the de rigueur second viewing.

    Hey, as a musician, you’ll get a special kick out of this Inception Music Comparison video. Yet another intriguing intricacy.

  • BrianSez Jul 25, 2010 4:34PM

    I didn’t have much to add to what you guys and everyone else is saying about Inception. I came in a little under your ratings, but am no less enthusiastic about Nolan’s new masterpiece!

  • Wick Jul 24, 2010 12:55AM

    Regarding izzio’s Review
    Iz, you are so right in saying Inception outdoes Dark Knight. Whereas the latter was a derivative work, Inception is all Nolan. Stunning.

    Lots to chew through. My review might take a few days to appear. Got several levels of ideas to organize.

  • izzio Jul 19, 2010 12:13AM

    Regarding DrakeReviews’s Review
    Great first review, Drake!

  • DrakeReviews Jul 18, 2010 11:37PM

    One of the best films of the decade

  • Wick Jul 16, 2010 7:41PM

    Regarding izzio’s Review
    Wow, Iz. Strong words: “outdoes Dark Knight.” I can’t wait to see it.

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