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BrianSez's Review

Summary - Really Great 4.5

An incredible and sometimes dizzying array of story, effects, and acting. Inception is a movie that requires your full attention as the best parts about it have a subtlety and depth that is rewarding to discover and dissect. The combination of this highly original plot-line with heart-pounding effects, and top notch acting are a winning combination that packs a memorable punch. An outstanding summer blockbuster!

Acting - Really Great 4.5

DiCaprio and the rest of the cast are a winning thespian combination with equal measures of coolness and intensity — really a perfect match to this film.

Male Stars - Really Great 4.5

Female Stars - Really Great 4.5

Female Costars - Really Great 4.5

Male Costars - Really Great 4.5

Film - Perfect 5.0

I think one of the most remarkable aspects of this film might not be the movie itself, but Christopher Nolan’s ability to have explained and sold the concept to the studio — even after pulling off Dark Night. Somebody got it – and that’s lucky for us! That said, the film production gets a ‘Perfect’ rating from this reviewer because as it was with Dark Night, the quality of the production, cinematography, and effects were outstanding.

Direction - Perfect 5.0

Dialogue - Perfect 5.0

Music - Perfect 5.0

Visuals - Perfect 5.0

Edge - Risqué 1.8

Sex Titillating 1.8

Violence Fierce 1.8

Rudeness Salty 1.8

Reality - Fantasy 4.1

Circumstantial - Fantasy 4.1

Biological - Fantasy 4.1

Physical - Fantasy 4.1


  • Wick Jan 18, 2011 9:39PM

    Regarding MetalJunky5000’s Review
    “Nolan is the Hitchcock of our time.” Right on.

  • Wick Jul 29, 2010 9:11AM

    Regarding hurwizzle’s Review
    Great review Wizzle. Love the "I"s: “intricate, intriguing, intense, immense, impossibly interesting, impressive, irresistible, intoxicating”, indeed!

    I saw it on an old school big screen (the Winchester 22 dome), so may have to seek out an IMAX for the de rigueur second viewing.

    Hey, as a musician, you’ll get a special kick out of this Inception Music Comparison video. Yet another intriguing intricacy.

  • BrianSez Jul 25, 2010 4:34PM

    I didn’t have much to add to what you guys and everyone else is saying about Inception. I came in a little under your ratings, but am no less enthusiastic about Nolan’s new masterpiece!

  • Wick Jul 24, 2010 12:55AM

    Regarding izzio’s Review
    Iz, you are so right in saying Inception outdoes Dark Knight. Whereas the latter was a derivative work, Inception is all Nolan. Stunning.

    Lots to chew through. My review might take a few days to appear. Got several levels of ideas to organize.

  • izzio Jul 19, 2010 12:13AM

    Regarding DrakeReviews’s Review
    Great first review, Drake!

  • DrakeReviews Jul 18, 2010 11:37PM

    One of the best films of the decade

  • Wick Jul 16, 2010 7:41PM

    Regarding izzio’s Review
    Wow, Iz. Strong words: “outdoes Dark Knight.” I can’t wait to see it.

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